Do you want to strengthen your leadership skills?
- Do you wonder if you have what it takes to be a leader?
- Is leadership one of your personal or professional aspirations, but you wonder where to start?
- Do you feel you could demonstrate stronger professionalism and personal leadership in what you are doing right now?
- Are you in a leadership role because of your professional expertise but struggling with the “people side” of your role?
- Do you find particular kinds of colleagues or team members hard to manage?
- Would you like to work on the “team atmosphere” to create a climate that encourages your team to do their best work?
Enhancing your leadership skills can help you to:
- Clarify whether you want to pursue a leadership role
- Identify a path of progression towards the leadership role you aspire to
- Understand your leadership style along with potential strengths and weaknesses
- Develop strategies to manage different kinds of employees, helping them and you to flourish in the process
- Create a team atmosphere that is healthy for you and your team, improving well-being and productivity
- Develop a more effective leadership style
- Improve interpersonal or communication skills
- Find work/life balance
- Expedite priority setting and time management
- Enhance presentation and networking skills
- Deal with conflict and learn conflict-management skills
- Strengthen self-confidence, assertiveness, and well-being
Why are leadership skills important?
Being in a leadership role comes with responsibility. When we feel pushed into a leadership role without the skills and support required, it can erode our existing skill-set and our confidence as a leader. By developing personal insights and strategies for effective leadership, we can learn to feel more competent and at ease in the leadership position, helping ourselves and colleagues to thrive.
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Adjustment Disorder
Anger Management
Anger Management - Court Ordered
Anorexia Nervosa
Anticipatory Grief
Anxiety Disorders
Asexuality and Aromanticism
Attachment Disorders
Attachment in Adults
Atypical Sexuality
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Blended Family
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Christian Counselling
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain Management
Communication Skills
Compulsive Lying
Conduct Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder
Dissociative Fugue
Eating Disorders
Emotion Dysregulation
Emotionally-based Sexual Difficulties
Enuresis or Bedwetting
Erectile Dysfunction
Excoriation Disorder
Fertility Issues
Gender Identity
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Grief & Loss
Health Anxiety
Healthy Boundaries
Illness in Adults
Illness in Children and Teens
Impostor Syndrome
Insomnia and Parasomnia
Intellectual Disabilities
Interpersonal Relationships
Learning Disorders
LGBTQ+ Support
Life Transitions
Managerial Courage
Men's Issues
Mood Disorders
Moral Injury
Narcissistic Abuse Survivors
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Panic Attacks
Parenting Skills
Performance Anxiety
Personal Growth
Personality Disorders
Postpartum Anxiety
Postpartum Depression
Pre-Marital Counselling
Pregnancy and Motherhood
Premature and Delayed Ejaculation
Problem-Solving Skills
Psychosocial Oncology
Racism and Discrimination
Re-Kindle Love
Refugee and Immigration
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Selective Mutism
Separation Anxiety
Separation or Divorce
Sexual Addiction
Sexual Concerns
Sleep Disorders
Social Anxiety
Stress Management
Surviving Abuse
Time Management and Organization
Tourette Syndrome
Video Game Addiction
Work Concerns