Home > Psychologists > Dr Philippe Letendre-Joachim

Hi, I'm Dr Letendre-Joachim, Business Coach.

I specialize in helping my clients with any work concerns or challenges they may have.

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Home > Psychologists > Dr Philippe Letendre-Joachim

Dr Philippe Letendre-Joachim, PsyD

Business Coach

Licensed Psychologist with the Order of Psychologists of Quebec OPQ# 14213-21

Hello, my name is Dr. Philippe Letendre-Joachim, I’m a professional Business Coach and licensed as a Psychologist with the Order of Psychologists of Quebec (OPQ), with a specialization in Work Psychology. I work with professionals and workers of all levels of experience and from all types of organizations, whether they are in managerial positions or not.

I specialize in helping my clients with any work concerns or challenges they may have. For example (but not limited to), I can help you with your leadership skills, stress management abilities, performance anxiety, interpersonal skills, communication abilities, motivation, work-life balance challenges, decision-making ability, problem-solving skills, managerial courage or with your assertiveness. We can work on your time management and organization skills, your ability to set healthy boundaries, your procrastination tendencies, or we can focus on your growth as a professional and work on developing your professional skills – such as strategic thinking, political skills, or the ability to influence – we can also focus on your career path and growth.

I’ve helped high-performing professional athletes from around the world and where the objective was to enhance their athletic performance. I’ve also completed a certificate at Harvard University in negotiation, conflict resolution, and change management, before returning to the University of Montreal to complete my doctorate in Work Psychology, for which I specialized in leadership, and more specifically, in empowering leadership and its impact on employee performance. My doctoral research was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). My training will allow me to work with you to increase your performance and your wellbeing at work, help you solve conflicts, make hard decisions and become a better (and more efficient) leader.

I worked as a Consultant at la Caisse de DépÎt et Placement du Québec (CDPQ), a major international and parapublic financial institution, and later went on to work as an Industrial Psychologist for 3 years, at Humance, an Industrial Psychology firm. I have now been working as a Senior Consultant in Management Consulting at KPMG for over a year.

My experience working with many different local and international clients gave me the opportunity of collaborating with them in order to analyze and understand their challenges but also, to work with them as partners and help them face those challenges. The various work experiences I had, both as an employee and as a partner of my clients, allowed me to experience, firsthand, the challenges and issues you may be experiencing in your workplace and how those impact your performance and wellbeing. My experience will allow me to better understand your path and experiences and it will empower me to work more efficiently with you in facing your challenges, whatever they may be.

My background in Industrial Psychology allows me to use scientifically based methods to understand performance and wellbeing, what influences it, and how to cultivate it. The combination of those skills with my professional experience allows me to adopt an integrative coaching approach, where I take into account your professional life, but also, the person behind it. This comprehensive approach allows me to tailor my coaching to your very specific needs, study the links and patterns in your professional life, think of new ways of understanding your challenges, and it empowers us to work together towards developing practical, effective solutions, that fit with your values and that leverage your strengths.

My background in Psychology also allows me to understand how important it is to build and foster a solid and trustworthy coaching relationship with my clients, and I warrant the greatest level of importance to that aspect. With the use of active listening techniques, we will, together, collaborate to better understand your world from your perspective, while building solid foundations for you to grow as a professional and as a person.

I am looking forward to working with you!

— Philippe Letendre-Joachim

Trained in Scientifically-Based Treatment Approaches

Integrative Coaching Approach

  • 5 years of professional experience
  • Senior Consultant in Management Consulting, KPMG
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, SPB Work and Organizational Psychology
  • Organizational Development Consultant at la Caisse de DĂ©pĂŽt et Placement du QuĂ©bec (CDPQ)

University-Level Training in Psychology

ACC coaching certification (in progress)

International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Doctorat in work psychology

University of Montreal

Certificate in Conflict Negotiation and Resolution, and Change Management

Harvard University, Graduate studies

Bachelor’s degree in psychology

University of Montreal